Replacement Parts
Part of Canon Fabrications, LLC’s mission is to assure our customers always have access to replacement parts. Some parts get “lost” or “walk away”. Others get damaged, for example one client had their unit disassembled and the panels were laying on a driveway and one panel was run over by a passing vehicle. (BTW, those are special order.) We also occasionally make changes to parts and want a way to get those available to you. Our online “store” is where you can find everything you may need and easily order and pay for it.
Just go to the “Shop Now” tab below or go to:
Alignment Awls
Bottom Gaskets
Canon Adhesion Test Device© (ATD)
Canon Hail Impact Tester© (HIT)
Canon Model 500 Uplift Chamber©
Canon Deflection Bar©
Deflection Sensor Extension Connector
Digi-Scale Replacement Kit
Entire Instrument Cluster
Large Pressure Valve
Panel-to-Panel Channels
Panel-to-Panel Clamps
Panel-to-Panel Gaskets
Power Supply Box
Replacement Lamps
Replacement Tires
Shipping Case for Model 410 and 500
Small Pressure Valve